Season 4: Episode 1: The Case of the Red Honey (Part 1)

The Case of the Red Honey (Part 1)


In 2010, New York law allowed citizens to begin keeping bees legally in the state. This created a thriving bee-keeping culture in the Red Hook district of Brooklyn and local farmers’ markets began to be inundated with honey made by the denizens of New York.

All was well with the bees and their keepers until 2010 when a strange phenomenon began altering the bees. Suddenly, the people’s beloved bees (and their honey) began turning a bright red color. The honey lost its normal flavor and was watery.

What caused such a strange occurrence? Why did it happen in that specific district? And how…

Did it lead to a macabre death…?

Article: LINK

Intro Music: Moonlight Hall - Stings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (