Season 2 Episode 39: The Disappearance of Mary Agnes Moroney

The Disappearance of Mary Agnes Moroney


Mary Agnes Moroney, just two years old in 1930. was the daughter of Catherine and Michael Moroney. The family lived in Chicago IL and like many families of the era, were having a hard time getting by during the Great Depression.

With life being tough, Michael decided to put out an ad in the paper looking for any help the family could get with regards to materials / volunteers who could help them. Enter Julia Otis, a caregiver who offered to assist with Mary and provide the family with groceries. Unfortunately for the Moroney family, Julia Otis was not what she seemed and the next day Mary was gone and all that was left behind was a note stating that the two had gone to California and that they would be back in two months.

Scary enough as this was, it was a second letter the family recieved that truly chilled their bones. It was penned by Julia Otis cousin, and it stated…

Dont leave your child with Julia

ATI Article: LINK

Intro Music: Moonlight Hall - Stings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (