Season 1 Episode 4 : Jack Parsons


June 17, 1952

Jack Whiteside Parsons, founding member of NASA's Jet Propultion Laboratory and esteemed Rocket Scientist, received a rush order of explosives for a film set and began to work on them in his home laboratory. Shortly thereafter, an explosion destroyed the lower part of the home, killing Parsons.

But what was Parson's attempting to do that day? While the logical conclusion of "combining chemicals for explosives" is a simple, straight-forward answer, the life of the now deceased man was anything but. "Black Magician", "Intellectual Necromancer", and "Cult Leader" are all titles attributed to Parsons. Perhaps he was merely mixing chemicals and made a slight miscalculation, or perhaps he was doing something much darker, more sinister; or as we would say...


gallery and transcript can be found here